Additional Training on TB

We introduce you on the links you will find bellow, some of the web-sites with on-line self education courses in order to get you a closer view of TB-MDR, clinic cases and articles.




Directly Observed Outpatient Therapy Team.

DOOTT Team manages the administration for outpatient’s medication, always supervised by our medical staff. DOOTT is an entity that works as a branch of Serveis Clínics, integrated to the Catalonia’s Healthcare network (CatSalut).

Direct Contact with Serveis Clínics

Address: Carrer García Mariño 4 · 08022 - Barcelona

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. // This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: +34 93 417 46 01 // +34 93 417 46 02