International websites on TB
Through the following links you can access to websites of scientific and technical organizations, principal associations and NGOs that actually work with TB patients.
- International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases. The oldest NGO dedicated to the control of TB in developing countries and healthcare search solutions for poor people.
- Website of “Stop TB” group, integrated by the main international partnership of TB. News, scholarship, updates and much more.
- Web de la WHO (World Health Organization) website. Access to news, updates, technical guidelines and international epidemiologic data.
- Scientific work group specialized on TB resistances (Resist-TB). Contains links to other web-sites and access to scientific articles concerning TB resistances.
- Web de la Dutch KNCV NGO website dedicated for the control of TB
- PIH: NGO of Harvard University dedicated to the research and control of resistance TB patients.
- Damien Foundation: International NGO with a long work tradition in fields like tropical diseases, leprosy and TB.
- Actmon: Catalonian Association to control TB on underdeveloped countries.
- 45th Union World Conference on Lung Health