Nursing cares


The nursing staff in coordination with the rest of our professionals, sticks on each patient during the entire healing process. The administration of medication is always supervised physically by nurses.

Nursing cares are based on the proper application of the patient’s care, in order to ensure the best possible attention is given. We never forget that each person has different needs, and responds differently in front of any health complication. As patients have such different profiles, nursing care is organized to give individualized care related to their own conditions, co-morbidities and risk factors.





Directly Observed Outpatient Therapy Team.

DOOTT Team manages the administration for outpatient’s medication, always supervised by our medical staff. DOOTT is an entity that works as a branch of Serveis Clínics, integrated to the Catalonia’s Healthcare network (CatSalut).

Direct Contact with Serveis Clínics

Address: Carrer García Mariño 4 · 08022 - Barcelona

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Phone: +34 93 417 46 01 // +34 93 417 46 02